Unification of Southern Jutland and Denmark in 1920
Experimental Danish Radioamateurs
Unification of Southern Jutland and Denmark in 1920
Celebrating with special call sign 15th October to 15th December 2020
The war of 1864 (Second Schleswig War) was a war between Denmark on the one hand and Austria and Prussia on the other. The war ended in a total defeat to Denmark and the decisive battle took place near Dybbøl Mill. After this, Denmark had to relinquish the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg, which became part of the German Empire, which was formed in 1871.
After World War I the unification of North Schleswig and Denmark took place in June 1920 following a course that began in October 1918, when Germany acknowledged its defeat and asked for a ceasefire. The unification was concretely implemented after a referendum in the affected areas and a large folk festival was held at Dybbøl Mill.
To celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the unification, Experimental Danish Radioamateurs association (EDR for short) will activate a special radio call sign OZ1ØØMILL.
In the period from 15th of October 00:00UTC until 15th of December 23:59UTC, this call sign will be active on most HF amateur radio bands with CW, SSB, RTTY and several digital modes. All HF bands, including WARC-bands, and all modes may be used.