Have You Seen Worlds Largest Satellite Images?

Have You Seen Worlds Largest Satellite Images?

  Can you imagine how large an image is, which has dimensions of 86400 pixels wide and 43200 pixels high? Off hand it is probably difficult for your inner eye to imagine how big that is in reality. To put these wild dimensions into perspective they can be...
What Is Amateur Radio Really?

What Is Amateur Radio Really?

Source by Gino Berno Given the passion of Hams, regarding their “hobby”, even the definition of Amateur Radio may generate debate. Wikipedia’s definition of Amateur Radio (also known as Ham Radio) is “the use of the designated radio frequency...

Its Official: Amateur Service License Fees Are Coming

Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554   In this Report and Order, we adopt a new application fee schedule that significantly updates the Commission’s previous fee schedule in both types of applications and other processes covered by the fee...
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