* Coverage of all short-wave and American HF amateur bands
* Covers the 160m to 10m amateur bands including 5.3 MHz in SSB, CW, AM and FM
* Output power 100W SSB/CW and FM, 40W AM with low and super-low power QRP settings (0.1W to 2W)
* General coverage receiver 135 KHz to 30 MHz in all modes
* Detachable front panel with large LCD screen (Optional EDS-17 cable required)
* Direct data and frequency entry via key pads
* Default 10 Hz resolution (adjustable)
* Reject signals with IF shift
* Choose a narrow filter, a noise-blanker or use RIT/TXIT to stay out of QRM
* Internal electronic keyer standard
* Receive CW using either upper or lower side of the carrier frequency
* Choice of side tone pitch, FULL (QSK), Semi or Auto break-in
* AGC and RF gain
* Dynamic microphone and speech compressor standard
* Enhanced scan modes: including Priority, Search, Busy, Timed, Memory and Programmed search. Monitor data-modes and broadcasts simultaneously with memory search scan
* RF attenuator and preamplifier selectable in 4 steps
* Dual VFOs
* 600 memory channels in 3 banks
* Connections for Auto-antenna tuner and Liner amplifier with ALC output
* Fully independent AF level, squelch, RIT and IF shift controls
* Dial lock and key lock
* TX-RX lamp
* Alphanumeric display
* Auto-power-off
* CTCSS encode for 10 meter FM repeater access
* Microphone, Headphone and External speaker jacks on the front panel
* Large, temperature-controlled internal cooling fan with anti-overheat output power limiter
* High-SWR final output protection