Features • A Block Diagram Displays RX Signal Path • Choose Analog Type or Bar Graph Meter • Selectable analog type or bar graph type meter indication • Separate Independent Frequency Display • High Speed Spectrum Scope • Bandwidth of the spectrum scope: 20kHz, 50kHz,...
Features: * Heavy heat sink allows a full 80-watt RF power level; no cooling fan needed * Four selectable power output levels: 80/30/10/5 Watts * Transmit coverage 144 to 148 MHz * Extended receive from 136 to 174 MHz * Dual Watch * Three watts of audio output for...
Features * Large diameter Main Tuning Dial (1.6 in. / 41mm) with torque adjustment * Pop-up menu for quick and easy navigation * Multi-function knob * Large transmit/receive indicator * Three programmable front panel function keys Support for ATAS (Active Tuning...
Features High-End, Contest-Class Transceiver 160 thru 6 Meters 100 Watt on all modes, SSB, FM, CW, RTTY and Digital, 25W on AM. Superb and astonishing close-in dynamic range performance (120 dB RDR at 2 kHz spacing, 14 MHz, 500 Hz) Hybrid SDR technology: Direct...