
The ARRL is recommending two websites to those radio amateurs who want to volunteer for response-and-relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy:

“Amateur Radio operators who want to assist should not self-deploy to the affected area,” explained ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U. “There are many ARRL Sections involved in the impact area, and each has different requirements on how they locate, credential and deploy volunteers. If a need for manpower is identified that cannot be met locally or in the Section, Section leadership may contact other Sections for assistance. If the need is still not met, Section leadership may then contact ARRL HQ for assistance.”

Both the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) VoIP Hurricane Net have activated in support of WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami. The HWN has activated and is monitoring their net frequencies on 14.325 and 7.268 MHz, and using 3.950 MHz as propagation dictates; they plan to operate continuously until the storm has weakened. “Throughout this event, we remind everyone that we are also available to provide backup communications facilities to official agencies such as Emergency Operations Centers and Red Cross officials in the affected area,” HWN Spokesman Stan Broadway, N8BHL, explained. “We will also be interested to collect and report significant damage assessment data back to FEMA officials stationed in the National Hurricane Center.”

The VoIP Hurricane Net activated at 5 AM EDT Monday, October 29 and will be on for the duration of the storm event. “We will connect up the *NEW-ENG* EchoLink conference node: 9123/IRLP 9123 to the *WX_TALK* EchoLink conference node: 7203/IRLP 9129 system to form one large network,” said VoIP Hurricane Net Director of Operations Rob Macedo, KD1CY. “This is what was done during Hurricane Irene and we feel this was quite successful. The Amateur Radio station at the National Weather Service office in Taunton Massachusetts, WX1BOX, will act as the primary net control. We would like to get as many backup net controls to help handle reports going to WX4NHC and to take the net over if we lose connection into the system.”

“Please remember — everyone’s first priority is safety,” Corey said. “If you are in Sandy’s path, make sure you and your loved ones are safe.”

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