Getting Your Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) License
This is an exciting time for amateur radio. We have had so many changes due to technology. Our radio signals can be bounced off the moon back to the other side of the Earth, carried to very specific destinations over the internet, re-transmitted by satellites, carried with digital signals or simply transmitted and received the way they have been since the beginning with analog signals and simple radios.
Many people fear having to learn Morse code, but Morse code testing is no longer required for advanced licenses. The interesting thing, however, is that Morse code seems to be more popular than ever.
Here are some tips for getting your amateur radio license:
- Contact a local Ham radio club. Many clubs will have members who can mentor or “elmer” you. Take advantage of that. Ham radio operators are always looking for someone new to talk to and share the hobby with so they will be glad to help you. Almost certainly, some member will be willing to let you talk on his radio and see if you like it.
- Read a good Ham License Book or go to classes provided by a club
- Download the appropriate question pool from the ARRL – The American Radio Relay League.
- Go take your test. Don’t worry, it’s really not that hard if you study the question pools.
- Once you pass the test, buy a radio and use it. Don’t be intimidated. When you make contact for the first time, let your contact know it’s your first time and he will probably help you along.
It’s a great time to be involved in Ham Radio. Getting involved is easier than it has ever been and there is a huge supply of radios. Now it’s your turn to get started in Ham radio today.
Source by Brian Bilgere